Partea in the Garden

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Most Prized Possessions.

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Current Pet Peeves:

When people neglect to cut the thread from the slit on the back of a jacket. They just look silly.
Dirty Dishes.

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This photo made me break my ban on coffee. At least I didn't pull out a big spoonful of Nutella instead... god knows I would have loved it.

Things I would save in a fire:
-Bubba, my teddy bear.
-I guess my laptop, so I could stay in contact with the world. Contact is important.

I'm all over the place today. Classes keep getting cancelled. It leaves me feeling... disheveled.

xoxo Brittany

Friday, March 26, 2010

Everything I Want.

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Clockwise from top left: Free people, House of Harlow, FP, FP, Rachel Pally, Madison Marcus, Jeffrey Campbell, Nightcap Clothing, Cleobella

I'm going through shopping withdrawal. Travelling the world really wrings my wallet dry. Not that there was much to begin with.

I've learned you can know a lot about someone without really knowing who they are.

Things you should know about me, but that won't really tell you who I am:
1. I hate raisins.
2. I'm deathly afraid of fish
3. I love thunderstorms
4. I wish everyone would just get along
5. I'm a morning person
6. I surround myself with pretty things
7. Grande, Nonfat Peppermint Latte, Extra-hot, no foam. Please.
8. I can rarely sit through a whole movie.
9. I cross off the days on my calendar.
10. I love myself. More most people are willing to admit.

Share Secrets


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oyster Shells

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For some reason this reminds me of Pokemon.
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Family Dinner tonight. With my surrogate family. Love making family out of friends.

Be friends, and Family.

xoxo Brittany

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


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Such amazing things can be captured on film.

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Craving the beach like one craves a chocolate cake. I feel it inside me. Summer can't come too soon...


xoxo Brittany

Monday, March 22, 2010

World Travellers

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I'm Home. In Dublin at least. Above is the "John Lennon Wall" in Prague.

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Gelato in Venice. Godly. I must've had 5 servings of gelato in the 3 days that we were in Italy. Tirimisu, Nutella, Coffee, Bailey's, you name it. Incredible.

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We were attacked by snow. In Italy. Please tell me someone saw this coming?

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The Vatican.

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Athens. This was the most beautiful view I caught. The streets are littered with nagging peddlers and the buildings all seem to be defaced by graffiti. But the sunset was incredible.

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The Greek island of Aegina. My mother and I have so long dreamed about going to a Greek Island. Maybe one day she'll come with me. Its the closest to the beach I've been in a long time.

Dreaming of the sand and the water and the sun...

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I've got a lot of current obsessions. Health, fitness, nutrition, studying, beautiful photos, and Avoca.

Love yourself.

xoxo Brittany

Saturday, March 6, 2010


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Off to travel Europe. Prague, Venice, Rome, Athens.

Look out world.

xo Brittany

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This is for You.

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For Better or For Worse.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 a very long time.

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I loved us.
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via. fuckyeahskinnybitch and ffffound

Two days in a row. Pat on the back to me.

I've taken to putting important equations on my walls. Hopefully it helps me remember them. Maybe that's why people keep pictures of their friends around. So we don't forget.

I'm only me, but I'm better with you.

xo Brittany

Monday, March 1, 2010

Don't Let Them See Your Face.

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I'm playing invisible.
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Paris was last weekend. What they don't tell you is that the Eiffel Tower is actually painted brown. If its just a matter of paint something shiny would be preferred.
I feel like Carmen Sandiego. Where in the world am I?

Be you.

xoxo Brittany