Partea in the Garden

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Every Day is Sunday.

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Lately this has been me. I went a bit psycho yesterday and needed some comfort food to bring me back to Earth.

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Most unfortunately the bedroom I've been stuck in doesn't quite resemble these... Perhaps if it did I'd never want to leave. But for now I'm taking my studying elsewhere... Starbucks anyone?

xoxo Brit


AYU said...

gosshh, gorgeous room!! x)
if I have one, I won't feel bored and I'll in love so much with my room! x)

Lovely blog, and love your friendship! ;) Following :)
Please just take a walk at my blog,
You can follow if you like ;)

Hello from Indonesia,


MJ said...

Feeling very much like the top picture at the moment: drowning in a sea of books...